In the summer of 2021, FAIL celebrated with artists and friends from Thallwitz the publication of the documentation for the project UNENDLICH in Canitz Park and the installation of the FAIL sign on the sign tree in the village square.
Together we worked on the FAIL space for the exhibition APPOINTMENT X at the Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig (GfZK), which also featured works by members of the Thallwitz art group k9. Thus, the exhibition space became a common meeting place where people exchanged ideas about artistic work, exhibitions in general and ideas for future events. In addition, various creative workshops took place in Thallwitz, an exhibition of artistic works by prisoners from the JSA Regis-Breitingen and a concert as a contribution to the harvest festival as well as an art exchange inspired by the Künstler:innen duo hoelb/hoeb from Vienna, in which works from the GfZK collection were lent to private households in Thallwitz.